
An open access, online-only, international journal ISSN: 2769-2108

Published by Tea Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and China Tea Science Society in partnership with Maximum Academic Press

Devoted to publishing original research, methods, reviews, editorial as well as perspective, which advance beverage plant biology, chemistry, processing, and health functions

Served by Prof. Zongmao Chen and Dr. Brian Schaneberg as the Editors-in-Chief

Aims and Scope

The journal aims to provide trusted scientific information related to beverage plant biology, beverage quality and chemistry analyses. The beverage plant species mainly include, but not limited to, tea, coffee, cacao, hop, and others which is used for making non-alcoholic beverages. The journal publishes articles in the following two major disciplinary areas.

Biology: The papers cover the topics in different subjects of beverage plant biology, including, but not limited to, -omics and functional genomics, genetics and breeding, germplasm evaluation and domestication, biotechnology, physiology, environmental biology, and interactions with external and internal microbes, and insects.

Beverage quality and chemistry/biochemistry: The papers focus on the chemistry and biochemistry of the secondary metabolites, including profiling, separation, characterizations on flavors, tastes, smells, blending, and chemical synthesis pathways, and how the chemistry and biochemistry affect the beverage quality.

Web: www.maxapress.com/bpr

E-mail: bpr@maxapress.com